Freedom Ranger Chicken
The breed we choose to raise is called Freedom Ranger from the hatchery with the same name in PA. The chicks arrive at 2-3 days old where we immediately show them food and water and place them under heat lamps in a brood box until their adult feathers emerge. At 4 weeks the chickens are moved to pasture within a portable shelter and remain on pasture for 6 weeks. The shelters allow for the safety of every bird from overhead and ground predators while keeping them out of the weather, but still giving them a constant breeze and sunshine to lounge in. The shelter footprint is designed to give them full access to the pasture without overcrowding, and provides roosts to encourage their natural behavior. Every evening we change out their feed and water, and move them to fresh grass. Our poultry is humanely raised and rotated on fresh pasture daily to keep the birds healthy and to help rejuvenate the land.
The Freedom Ranger chicken is an ideal bird for the pastured lifestyle; They are active foragers and easily move around scratching and pecking for their meals. These birds are hardy and have a slower growth-rate, enabling them to remain healthy and robust throughout their life. We supplement their natural diet with a non-GMO grain produced here in CT.
This breed is ready for processing in 10 weeks. The meat distribution on the carcass is uniform, high in omega-3’s, is incredibly nutrient dense with beautiful yellow fat from grazing healthy pasture, and with slightly darker meat that remains moist and tender when cooked properly.
We give the birds the best life we can provide them. You can be certain you know they were treated with care up until the end and by whom.
The birds range 3.50 lbs-5.5 lbs
All of our poultry is processed, butchered, and packaged on the farm by us, your farmers, in our State of Connecticut licensed processing facility. P.S.L. 102
While we always appreciate a phone call and chat
We DO NOT sell live animals, nor will we take in any poultry for biosecurity reasons